editorial,commentary,premier issue R. Lock EDITOR'S NOTES Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 6Editorial commentary concerning this premier issue.
help,Q&A,DOS 2.1,PCjr,board,compatible,GRAPHICS,screen,disk FEEDBACK Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 101)DOS 2.1 for PCjr, 2)PC/PCjr board compatibility, 3)Single vs. double sided disks (PC vs. PCjr), 4)GRAPHICS command for screen dump.
review,PCjr,insert T. R. Halfhill "Welcome To The PCjr - IBM's Newest Personal Computer" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 14Review of the IBM PCjr. [Also, an insert entitled "The 8088 Microprocessor: Brains Of PC And PCjr"].
8088,chip,microprocessor,PCjr,insert O. Cowper "The 8088 Microprocessor: Brains Of PC And PCjr" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 18Insert in "Welcome To The PCjr - IBM's Newest Personal Computer" by T. R. Halfhill, this article gives a description of the Intel 8088 chip that is used in both the IBM PC and the PCjr.
compatible,PCjr,software,guide T. R. Halfhill "PC Vs. PCjr: What's Compatible?" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 27A guide to software that is compatible between the PC and PCjr.
family F. D'Ignazio COMPUTING FOR FAMILIES - "Something Old, Something New" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 30Introduction to the author and this column, which is devoted to computers and software for the family.
interview,PCjr,design team,P. McHugh,D. Kummer S. Bateman "Q&A: Two Creators of the PCjr" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 34Interview with two members of IBM's PCjr design team: Patti McHugh and Dave Kummer
tax,IRS,deduction,computer,business D. B. Trivette GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS - "Deducting Your Computer" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 39Advice on how to claim your computer as a deduction on your IRS tax return.
interview,impact,PCjr,industry leaders S. Bateman "PCjr: Ripple Or Tidal Wave?" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 42Industry leaders comment on the impact of the PCjr: 1)M. L. Jones2)A. Osborne, 3)J. B. Rogers, Jr., 4)B. Jeffery, 5)T. Parks, 6)J. Schuyler, 7)S. Lawson, 8)B. Goldberg, 9)D. Kay, 10)B. Entin
communication A. R. Levitan TELECOMPUTING TODAY Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 50Open forum on "what's happening in the world of personal tele- communications": A brief rundown of what to expect in this columneach month.
PCjr,programmer,software,designer,assess K. Yakal "PCjr: A Programmer's Computer?" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 52Assessments by software designers (and others) on whether or not the PCjr is a "programmer's computer" (interviews).
communication,BBS,list,directory,address,telephone number A. R. Levitan IBM PC BULLETIN BOARDS Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 54Directory of IBM PC bulletin board services (BBSs).
review,Microsoft Word,word processor,mouse,window A. R. Levitan "Microsoft Word: Powerful Word Processor For IBM PC" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 58Review of Microsoft Word.
review,HomeWord,Sierra On-Line,word processor,PCjr F. D'Ignazio "HomeWord: Word Processing For The Absolute Beginner" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 64Review of HomeWord (by Sierra On-Line), a word processor for the PCjr.
tutorial,BASIC,Color Directory,filename,utility,disk,PCjr C. Brannon "Color Directory" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 68BASIC listing for Color Directory, a program for the PC and PCjr that helps you manage your diskettes (extends the filename limit from 11 to 24 characters and runs with color).
tutorial,BASIC,Kaleidoscope,graphics,color,PCjr M. A. Covington "Kaleidoscope" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 72BASIC listing for Kaleidoscope, a program that produces a color graphics display similar to a kaleidoscope
tutorial,BASIC,matrix,math,number,array,data A. J. Bruey "Matrix-Maker: Data Collection On The IBM PC" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 74BASIC listing for program which can be used to create, modify, store, or print a matrix (i.e., an array of numbers).
tutorial,beginner,BASIC,PCjr C. Regena BEGINNING BASIC - "Getting Started" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 77Introductory (beginner) tutorial on BASIC.
tutorial,three-voice,sound,chip,PCjr,Cartridge BASIC C. Brannon "Secrets Of PCjr Sound" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 79Tutorial on the three-voice sound chip in the PCjr, and how to use it with and without Cartridge BASIC.
tutorial,BASIC,game,Word Hunt,puzzle,PCjr R. W. Baker (IBM translation by P. Parrish) "Word Hunt" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 82BASIC listing for Word Hunt, a game program (puzzle) for the PC or PCjr.
tutorial,BASIC,graphics,animation,game,PCjr J. Juhasz "Intermediate BASIC - Part 1: Simple Animation For PC & PCjr" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 86First of a three-part series for those already familar with BASICThis time: Method for animation on high resolution graphics screens (includes program listing).
tutorial,BASIC,Spelling Bee,game,education,training,PCjr D. Bonachea (IBM translation by G. Peele) "Spelling Bee" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 89BASIC listing for Spelling Bee, an educational spelling game for both the PC and PCjr.
tutorial,BASIC,Martian Prisoner,adventure game,PCjr A. Poole (IBM translation by G. Peele) "Martian Prisoner" Compute!84/03 Mar v.1 n.1 92BASIC listing for Martian Prisoner, a mini-adventure game for thePC and PCjr.
editorial,commentary,Compute's PC & PCjr,promo R. Lock EDITOR'S NOTES Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 6A brief summary of what the magazine, publishing company, and staff) are all about. [Reason: Promotional to attract employees].
help,Q&A,machine ID,BASIC,PCjr,keyboard,cartridge,cassette,speed FEEDBACK Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 101)PC, XT, PCjr identification using BASIC, 2)No PCjr keyboard power switch, 3)Cartridge vs. cassette BASIC, 4)PC vs. PCjr speed5)PCjr program memory available.
Consumer Electronics Show,faire,Las Vegas,game,PCjr T. R. Halfhill "Consumer Electronics Show Report" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 14Overview of the Winter Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas during January. Lots of game software for the PCjr.
tutorial,beginner,computer,PC,component,sketch,drawing T. R. Halfhill "What Makes Computers Tick" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 22Introductory tutorial on how a personal computer works, includingsketches of components.
telephone,future,technology,fiber-optics S. Bateman "The Superphones Of Tomorrow" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 26A look ahead at the digital, computerized, fiber-optics future oftelephone technology.
education,training,Bumble Games,Juggles' Butterfly,direction F. D'Ignazio COMPUTING FOR FAMILIES - "Follow The Leader" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 34Discussion on how difficult it can be for children to follow di- rections and a look at three programs that can help: Juggles' Butterfly, Bumble Games, and Bumble Plot.
display,monitor,color,mono,PCjr,advice,tip,consumer,purchase O. R. Cowper "Choosing A Display For Your PC/PCjr" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 39Advice on choosing a display (monitor) for your PC or PCjr.
tutorial,BASIC,Screen Machine,graphics,editor,joystick,PCjr C. Brannon "The Screen Machine: Graphics Made Easy" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 44BASIC listing for The Screen Machine (and related programs), a drawing editor that lets you easily draw, color, design, or doodle on your PC or PCjr (also, using the joystick).
user,group "Your Are Not Alone - PC And PCjr Users Groups" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 56Discussion of User Groups.
tutorial,beginner,DOS,disk,command,insert P. Parrish "Getting Started With A Disk Drive" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 58A guide to the most common disk commands of DOS. [Also, an insert entitled "How To Keep From Destroying Your Disks"].
tutorial,disk,floppy,care,maintenance,insert S. Hudson "How To Keep From Destroying YOur Disks" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 60Insert in "Getting Started With A Disk Drive" by P. Parrish, thisarticle is a short tutorial on how to take proper care of floppy disks.
review,Scuba Venture,IBM,game,PCjr R. Sims "Scuba Venture For PCjr" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 64Review of Scuba Venture (by IBM).
review,Bank Street Writer,Broderbund,PCjr,word processor G. Keizer "Bank Street Writer for PC and PCjr" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 65Review of Bank Street Writer (by Broderbund Software).
insurance,advice,computer,business D. B. Trivette GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS - "Insurance You Thought You Had" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 68Advice on obtaining insurance for your computer.
tutorial,beginner,BASIC,transfer,PCjr C. Regena BEGINNING BASIC - "Program Transfer" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 72Introductory (beginner) tutorial on BASIC. This time: GOTO, FOR-NEXT, IF-THEN, INPUT, PRINT (and other) commands.
communication,BBS,list,directory,address,telephone number A. R. Levitan IBM PC BULLETIN BOARDS Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 74Directory (updated) of IBM PC bulletin board services (BBSs).
communication,PCjr A. R. Levitan TELECOMPUTING TODAY Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 77Open forum on "what's happening in the world of personal tele- communications": A few words about the PCjr.
tutorial,BASIC,Home Energy Workbook,PCjr D. E. Pitts "Home Energy Workbook For PC & PCjr" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 80BASIC listing for Home Energy Workbook, a program for calculatinghome energy savings.
tutorial,BASIC,education,training,Element Man,PCjr,chemistry,gameC. Kidd and K. H. Kidd "Learning The Elements" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 85BASIC listing for Element Man, a game program for learning the elements, their atomic weights, and accompanying symbols.
tutorial,BASIC,education,training,Type Bomb,typing,PCjr C. Kidd and K. Kidd "Type Bomb For PC & PCjr" Compute!84/04 Apr v.1 n.2 89BASIC listing for Type Bomb, a typing practice program.
editorial,commentary,PCjr,sales T. R. Halfhill EDITOR'S NOTES Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 6Commentary on how the advanced publicity (expectations) of the PCjr have caused sales to fall short.
help,Q&A,printer,Scroll Lock,keyboard,buffer,PCjr,mono,power,disk FEEDBACK Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 101)Using non-IBM printers, 2)Scroll Lock key, 3)Keyboard buffer overflow, 4)Monochrome monitor with PCjr, 5)Powering off with floppy in drive.
communication,tutorial,modem,RS232C,interface,link A. R. Levitan TELECOMPUTING TODAY Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 15Open forum on "what's happening in the world of personal tele- communications": Tutorial on hardware (RS232C interface, modem, data links, etc.).
communication,BBS,list,directory,address,telephone number A. R. Levitan IBM PC BULLETIN BOARDS Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 23Directory (updated) of IBM PC bulletin board services (BBSs).
tutorial,Macintosh,Apple,MacWrite S. Bateman and T. R. Halfhill "The Macintosh Challenge" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 26Overview and tutorial on the Macintosh computer (by Apple) (in- cluding an introduction to using MacWrite).
Word Proof,word processor,Managing Your Money,finance D. B. Trivette GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 37The author discusses a couple of the programs he uses: 1)Managing Your Money, 2)Word Proof (by IBM).
education,training,TV,family,Good Morning America F. D'Ignazio COMPUTING FOR FAMILIES Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 42Author discusses his appearance on the TV show called "Good Morn-ing America".
IBM Portable PC T. R. Halfhill "IBM's New Portable PC" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 46Overview of the Portable PC (by IBM).
PCjr,sales,survey,IBM,market B. W. Ghiselin "PCjr Sales Survey" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 48Over 220 IBM dealers throughout the U.S. were contacted in order to determine how well the PCjr was selling during its first few months on the market.
tutorial,BASIC,Lissajous figure,graphics,PCjr M. A. Covington "Lissajous Figures" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 52BASIC listing given for producing Lissajous figures on the screen(using the color/graphics adapter on the PCjr or PC).
tutorial,BASIC,game,Mind Boggler,Master Mind,puzzle,PCjr J. E. Rylee (IBM translation by K. Martin) "Mind Boggler" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 54BASIC listing for Mind Boggler, a game program (puzzle) for the PC or PCjr based on the popular Master Mind game (for the color/ graphics board, but can be modified for monochrome systems).
tutorial,BASIC,IRA Estimator,retirement,inflation,money,PCjr B. Flynn "IRA Estimator" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 58BASIC listing for IRA Estimator, a program that computes Individ-ual Retirement Account benefits using the PC or PCjr (it takes into account inflation too).
tutorial,BASIC,game,Solitaire Checkers,puzzle,PCjr B. Flynn "Solitaire Checkers" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 60BASIC listing for Solitaire Checkers, a game program (puzzle) forthe PC or PCjr.
tutorial,BASIC,game,Word Scramble,puzzle,PCjr M. Salman (IBM translation by J. Hamdani) "Word Scramble" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 65BASIC listing for Word Scramble, a game program (puzzle) for the the PC or PCjr.
communication,tutorial,Quotes,Dow Jones,stock market,PC-Talk,PCjrD. B. Trivette "Dialing For Dollars" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 68BASIC listing for Quotes, a telecommunications program that auto-matically calls up the Dow Jones News/Retrieval Service in order to retrieve stock market quotes. PC-Talk used as demo.
tutorial,beginner,BASIC,PCjr,sound,music C. Regena BEGINNING BASIC Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 78Introductory (beginner) tutorial on BASIC. This time: sound commands (requires the PCjr sound chip).
tutorial,BASIC,graphics,animation,cursor,keyboard,game,PCjr J. Juhasz "Intermediate BASIC: Part 2: Screen Animation With Cursor Keys" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 82Second of a three-part series for those already familar with BASIC. This time: How to control animation with the keyboard (includes program listing).
review,game,Burger Time,Mattel Electronics D. McBane "Burger Time For PC" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 85Review of the game called Burger Time (by Mattel Electronics).
review,game,Robotron 2084,AtariSoft G. Peele "Robotron 2084 For PC" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 86Review of the game called Robotron 2084 (by AtariSoft).
review,game,Demon Attack,IMAGIC,PCjr S. Hudson "Demon Attack For PCjr" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 88Review of the game called Demon Attack (by IMAGIC).
review,game,Gorgon II,Sirius S. Miller "Gorgon II For PC" Compute!84/05 May v.1 n.3 90Review of the game called Gorgon II (by Sirius Software).
editorial,commentary T. R. Halfhill EDITOR'S NOTES Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 6Commentary on "keeping in touch" with the readership of the magazine.
education,training,teacher,interview,college,insert S. Bateman "Computers On Campus" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 14Interviews with various college educators on student use of PCs (a requirement in some schools). [Also, an insert entitled "What Students Think"].
education,training,interview,student,college,insert "What Students Think" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 21Insert in "Computers On Campus" by S. Bateman, this article is aninterview with some college students to find out their feelings about PCs.
family,software,consumer,purchase,tip,advice F. D'Ignazio COMPUTING FOR FAMILIES Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 24Discussion of typical problems faced when looking for home com- puter software (tips and advice).
education,training,software,classroom K. Yakal "Educational Software: What Educators Like To See" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 29Interviews with various educators to determine what exactly they are looking for in terms of software for the classroom.
IBM PC,PCjr,PC-XT,technical,difference,guide,compare G. R. Davies "Comparing The PCjr/PC/PC-XT: A Guide To Technical Differences" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 32This article looks at the technical differences separating the PCjr from the other members of the IBM PC family.
tutorial,BASIC,Gradebook,education,training,PCjr,student,class S. Levy (IBM translation by G. Peele) "Gradebook" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 40BASIC listing for Gradebook, a program for handling student lists, grading conversions, grade averaging, etc.
tutorial,BASIC,Notemaker,documentation,word processor A. J. Bruey "The Notemaker" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 46BASIC listing for The Notemaker, a "quick-and-dirty" word pro- cessing program for letter writing and/or quick text generation. Tutorial on various levels of program documentation too.
tutorial,BASIC,Munchmath,education,training,PCjr,kid,child,game G. R. Anderson(IBM translation by J. Hamdani)"Munchmath Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 48BASIC listing for Munchmath, a math drill program for the PC or PCjr.
tutorial,BASIC,States & Capitals,education,training,PCjr,game E. L. Moser (IBM translation by T. Victor) "States & Capitals Tutor" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 51BASIC listing for States & Capitals Tutor, a program that teachesthe American states and capitals (and also demonstrates the use of arrays in BASIC programs).
tutorial,BASIC,Aardvark Attack,game,PCjr T. Heimarck (IBM translation by T. Victor) "Aardvark Attack" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 54BASIC listing for Aardvark Attack, a game program with ten levelsof difficulty.
review,Animation Creation,IBM,game,PCjr N. Cohen "Animation Creation" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 56Review of Animation Creation (by IBM), a game for the PC or PCjr that allows the user to create simple cartoons.
review,Triple Brain Trust,TBT,Reston,game,Hollywood Squares,TV K. Schwarze "Triple Brain Trust For PC" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 59Review of Triple Brain Trust (TBT) (by Reston Publishing Co.), a family entertainment program based on the "Hollywood Squares" TV game.
review,CrossFire,Sierra On-Line,game,PCjr J. Krause "CrossFire For PCjr" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 60Review of CrossFire (by Sierra On-Line), an adventure game that combines the action of Pac-Man and Space Invaders (for the PC or PCjr).
review,Volkswriter Deluxe,Lifetree,word processor H. Krause "Volkswriter Deluxe For PC" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 63Review of the word processing program Volkswriter Deluxe (by Lifetree Software, Inc.).
communication,tutorial,terminology,lingo,jargon A. R. Levitan TELECOMPUTING TODAY Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 66Open forum on "what's happening in the world of personal tele- communications": Terminology.
review,PCjr,keyboard,Key Tronic,Cherry,Colby D. B. Trivette GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 69Review of alternative keyboards for the PCjr: KB-5151jr (by Key Tronic), KXN3-8451 (by Cherry Electrical), and KEY-2jr (by Colby Computer).
tutorial,BASIC,PEEK,POKE,PCjr M. A. Covington "PC/PCjr PEEKs and POKEs" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 72Tutorial on the PEEK and POKE functions of BASIC.
tutorial,beginner,BASIC,PCjr,graphics,music,piano,organ C. Regena BEGINNING BASIC Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 75Introductory (beginner) tutorial on BASIC. This time: a few graphics commands. BASIC listing for a program designed for beginning piano or organ students (or elementary music teachers).
tutorial,BASIC,Rotating Graphics,spiral,PCjr M. A. Covington "Rotating Graphics" Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 85BASIC listing for Rotating Graphics, a program for creating a variety of abstract figures (PC or PCjr).
editorial,commentary,PCjr,future,forecast R. Lock EDITOR'S NOTES Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 6Commentary on the future of the PCjr.
communication,on-line,service,database,DBM S. Bateman "Comparing The Telecomputing Services" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 10Overview of the various telecommunications services available (includes a list of company addresses, telephone numbers, and fees).
communication,PC-File,PC-Talk,FreeCalc,PC-Write,user-supported A. R. Levitan "Telecomputing On A Shoestring" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 18Discussion (and list) of programs that can get you started into telecommunications almost free. Also, discussion of: PC-File, PC-Talk III, FreeCalc, PC-Write, and user-supported software.
surge,protect G. Miller and O. Cowper "Does Your Computer Need A Surge Protector?" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 24Authors talked with engineers and representatives of computer companies and manufactures of protection devices. Topic: Are surge protectors really needed?
help,Q&A,PCjr,zero,character,Color Directory,GRAPHICS,screen dump FEEDBACK Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 281)Cheaper PCjr software for the PC, 2)Slashed zero characters, 3)"Color Directory" (Compute v.1 n.1 p.68) comments, 4)DOS 2.1 GRAPHICS not supported on PCjr, .......continued to next record.
help,Q&A,Screen Machine,joystick,BASIC ROM cartridge,PCjr FEEDBACK Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 28....cont. from previous record. 5)"Screen Machine" (Compute v.1 n.2 p.44) and joystick adjustment problem, 6)BASIC ROM cartridge required with PCjr for saving programs on disk.
family,software,consumer,purchase,tip,advice,chain store F. D'Ignazio COMPUTING FOR FAMILIES Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 32Discussion of typical problems faced when looking for home com- puter software (tips and advice). This month two new chains of software stores: Software Cities and Enchanted Village.
electronic mail,communication D. B. Trivette GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 35Overview of various electronic mail systems and services.
tutorial,beginner,BASIC,PCjr,graphics,Southern States,game C. Regena BEGINNING BASIC Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 38Introductory (beginner) tutorial on BASIC. This time: Storing and manipulating information (DATA, READ, RESTORE). Also, BASIC listing for Southern States (graphics game program).
communication,XMODEM,protocol,standard,purchase,consumer A. R. Levitan TELECOMPUTING TODAY Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 47Open forum on "what's happening in the world of personal tele- communications": Features to consider when selecting communica- tions software. Also, discussion on the XMODEM protocol.
communication,BBS,list,directory,address,telephone number A. R. Levitan IBM PC BULLETIN BOARDS Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 49Directory (updated) of IBM PC bulletin board services (BBSs).
review,Microsurgeon,Imagic,game,Fantastic Voyage,movie,PCjr T. R. Halfhill "Microsurgeon" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 52Review of Microsurgeon (by Imagic), a game that "shares many similarities with Fantastic Voyage" (a mid-1960 science fiction movie).
review,Personal Communications Manager,IBM,PCjr A. R. Levitan "Personal Communications Manager" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 57Review of Personal Communications Manager (by IBM).
review,PC-Talk III,Headlands Press,PCjr,communication A. R. Levitan "PC-Talk III" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 59Review of PC-Talk III (by Headlands Press).
review,Crosstalk XVI,Microstuf,communication,PCjr A. R. Levitan "Crosstalk XVI" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 61Review of Crosstalk XVI (by Microstuf Inc.).
tutorial,BASIC,Laser Barrage,game,PCjr S. Igo (IBM translation by K. Mykytyn) "Laser Barrage" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 66BASIC listing for Laser Barrage, a game program for the PC or PCjr.
tutorial,BASIC,Calendar Maker,PCjr,month,year P. C. Liu (IBM translation by K. Mykytyn) "Calendar Maker" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 69BASIC listing for Calendar Maker, a program for generating month-ly, yearly, and appointment calendars for the next five years (on the PC or PCjr).
tutorial,BASIC,Jigsaw,game,puzzle,PCjr D. Bohlke "Jigsaw" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 78BASIC listing for Jigsaw, a program that "generates an endless number of random puzzles for you to reassemble on your screen". (PC or PCjr).
tutorial,BASIC,PCjr Music Box,sound,PCjr N. Cohen "PCjr Music Box" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 81Tutorial on creating sounds on the PCjr with a BASIC listing for PC Music Box, a program that displays the notes as they are played.
tutorial,BASIC,graphics,40-column,80-column,text,mix,PCjr J. Juhasz "Intermediate BASIC: Part 3: Mixing 40/80 Column Text On The.....Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 84....Graphics Screen". Third of a three-part series for those al-ready familar with BASIC. This time: How to display 40- and 80- column text on the same graphics screen (includes BASIC listing).
tutorial,BASIC,Viewchar,character,graphics,PCjr,animation,game S. Leemon "Custom Characters For PC & PCjr" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 87Tutorial on designing custom character sets on the PC or PCjr (includes example BASIC listing called Viewchar).
tutorial,BASIC,MYKEYS,keyboard,redefine,PCjr M. Covington and M. Covington "Customizing The Function Keys" Compute!84/07 Jul v.1 n.5 92Tutorial on customizing (redefining) the keyboard (on the PC or PCjr) (includes example BASIC listing called MYKEYS).
editorial,commentary,PCjr,price reduction T. R. Halfhill EDITOR'S NOTES Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 6Commentary on IBM's price reduction of the PCjr.
help,Q&A,GRAPHICS,drive,PCjr,BASIC,memory,bug,SAMPLE.BAS FEEDBACK Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 101)GRAPHICS command, 2)Second drive on PCjr, 3)BASIC/64K limit, 4)Memory installation yourself, 5)Bug in SAMPLE.BAS.
family,software,IBM,PCjr Helpline F. D'Ignazio COMPUTING FOR FAMILIES Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 13Discussion of IBM's attitude towards PCjr customers (e.g., PCjr Helpline).
game,software,design,essay O. S. Card "What Makes A Game Good?" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 16Essay by noted science fiction writer on "crucial elements which separate good games from bad".
family,software,children,kid,toddler,training,education,insert F. D'Ignazio "Can Toddlers Tackle Computers?" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 24Discussion centered on whether very young children (toddlers) canand should us PCs. [Also, an insert entitled "Companies Making IBM Software for Young Children"].
family,software,children,kid,toddler,training,education,insert "Companies Making IBM Software For Young Children" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 32Insert in "Can Toddlers Tackle Computers?" by F. D'Ignazio, this article gives a list of PC and PCjr software aimed specifically at the young child.
IBM,price reduction,cut,PCjr,sales,future,forecast T. R. Halfhill "IBM's Price Cuts: New Life For The PCjr?" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 36Discussion on the recent priced reductions by IBM and whether or not this "will rescue the PCjr from its sales doldrums".
tutorial,BASIC,Spider Bop!,game,PCjr C. Brannon "Spider Bop!" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 39BASIC listing for Spider Bop!, a game program for the PC and PCjr
tutorial,BASIC,Cannonball,game,PCjr D. J. Bohlke (IBM translation by J. Hamdani) "Cannonball" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 43BASIC listing for Cannonball, a game program for the PC and PCjr.
tutorial,BASIC,Quickversi,game,PCjr,Othello D. Bohlke "Quickversi" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 47BASIC listing for Quickversi, a game program for the PC and PCjr (a version of Othello).
tutorial,BASIC,Lunar Lander,game,PCjr K. Freeze "Lunar Lander" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 51BASIC listing for Lunar Lander, a game program for the PC and PCjr.
tutorial,BASIC,Bowling Champ,game,PCjr J. Ganci (IBM translation by T. Victor) "Bowling Champ" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 54BASIC listing for Bowling Champ, a game program for the PC and PCjr.
tutorial,BASIC,Word Match,game,PCjr,education,training A. Vanduyne (IBM translation by J. Hamdani) "Word Match: A Memory Game For PC And PCjr" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 57BASIC listing for Memory Match, an educational game program for the PC or PCjr.
review,Sears Total Video System T. R. Halfhill "Sears Total Video System" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 60Review of the Sears Total Video System.
review,Turbo Pascal,Borland M. Covington, M. Covington, and J. McDowell "Turbo Pascal" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 63Review of Turbo Pascal (by Borland International).
review,Parker Brothers Chess,game,education,training K. Schwarze "Parker Brothers Chess" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 66Review of Parker Brothers Chess (by Parker Brothers).
review,Cache/Q,Techne,utility,speed,disk,printer P. Hoeper "Cache/Q For PC" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 67Review of Cache/Q (by Techne Software Corp.), a utility program that speeds up disk accesses and buffers printer output.
review,PFS:File,Software Publishing,DBM S. Addams "pfs:file" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 69Review of PFS:File (by Software Publishing Corp.), a database management program.
review,Witness,Infocom,game,mystery,detective N. Cohen "The Witness" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 71Review of The Witness (by Infocom, Inc.), a detective mystery game program.
tutorial,.BAT,clock,multifunction,board,combo D. B. Trivette GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 73Tutorial on how to create .BAT files that make use of clock pro- grams (that come with multifunction boards with clocks).
communication,telephone,security,protect,hacker,PCjr,PC-Talk III A. R. Levitan TELECOMPUTING TODAY Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 76Open forum on "what's happening in the world of personal tele- communications": Discussion of telephone-computer security. Also, PCjr modifications (BASIC listing) for PC-Talk III.
communication,BBS,list,directory,address,telephone number A. R. Levitan IBM PC BULLETIN BOARDS Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 79Directory (updated) of IBM PC bulletin board services (BBSs).
tutorial,beginner,BASIC,PCjr,graphics,game C. Regena BEGINNING BASIC Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 82Introductory (beginner) tutorial on BASIC. This time: Learning how to write your own game programs.
tutorial,BASIC,DATETIME,PCjr,reboot,DOS,utility M. A. Covington "Simplified Date & Time" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 86BASIC listing for DATETIME.BAS, a utility program that "makes your DOS booting routine a little easier".
tutorial,BASIC,Super Directory,disk,filename,utility C. Brannon "Super Directory" Compute!84/08 Aug v.1 n.6 89BASIC listing for Super Directory, a program that "helps you keeptrack of your disks by allowing disk titles and 61-character extended filename descriptions".
editorial,commentary,education R. Mansfield EDITOR'S NOTES Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 4Guest editorial commentary on the issue of computers in education
help,Q&A,filename,Gemini 10X,GRAPHICS,clock,PCjr,color,compatible FEEDBACK Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 81)Spaces in filenames, 2)GRAPHICS/Gemini 10X printer, 3)IBM PC compatibility, 4)Clock for PCjr, 5)"Color Directory" (Compute v.1n.1 p.68), ......continued to next record.
family,software,child,kid,ThinkTank,Living Videotext,idea F. D'Ignazio COMPUTING FOR FAMILIES Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 12Discussion centered on "what if families taught their children touse the software tools they had bought for their computer?". Pro-gram ThinkTank (by Living Videotext) is used as a demonstration.
tutorial,DOS D. B. Trivette GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 17Tutorial on DOS.
COMDEX,CES,Comsumer Electronics Show,faire T. R. Halfhill "Summer Trade Show Highlights: More Home Software For PC & PCjr" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 20Overview of the COMDEX Spring and the Summer Consumer Electronics(CES) shows.
review,DataShield Battery Backup,PTI A. R. Levitan "DataShield Battery Backup System" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 35Review of the DataShield Battery Backup System (by PTI Indus- tries).
review,jrCaptain,Tecmar,PCjr,board,memory,combo T. Victor "Tecmar jrCaptain Expansion Module" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 36Review of the jrCaptain (by Tecmar), a three-function memory expansion board for the PCjr.
review,Textra Jr.,Ann Arbor,PCjr,text,editor K. Knecht "Textra Jr." Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 39"Review of Textra Jr. (by Ann Arbor Software), a full-screen texteditor) (for PC or PCjr).
review,Wizard And The Princess,Sierra On-Line,game S. Addams "Wizard And The Princess" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 41Review of the game Wizard And The Princess (by Sierra On-line).
review,Buzzard Bait,Sirius,game S. Miller "Buzzard Bait" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 43Review of the game Buzzard Bait (by Sirius Software).
review,Legacy,expansion module,memory,drive,PCjr D. B. Trivette "Legacy Expansion Module" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 44Review of Legacy I/II/III (by Legacy Technologies, Ltd.), expan- sion modules for the PCjr.
communication,BBS,tutorial A. R. Levitan TELECOMPUTING TODAY Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 48Open forum on "what's happening in the world of personal tele- communications": Tutorial on how to access and use computer bulletin board systems (BBSs).
communication,BBS,list,directory,address,telephone number A. R. Levitan IBM PC BULLETIN BOARDS Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 54Directory (updated) of IBM PC bulletin board services (BBSs).
communication,tutorial,BASIC,TERMPlus,file transfer,PCjr,downloadD. McBane and J. Hamdani "TERMPlus: Upload And Download With Cartridge BASIC" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 58Tutorial and BASIC listing for TERMPlus, a program that makes modifications to PCjr Cartridge BASIC program called TERM.
tutorial,BASIC,Cryptogram,game,puzzle,decipher,PCjr,scratchpad E. Groelle "Cryptogram" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 64BASIC listing for Cryptogram, a game program for the PC and PCjr which "creates a scratchpad that helps you decipher letter- substitution puzzles".
tutorial,BASIC,Arrowbics,game,PCjr A. Bulawa "Arrowbics" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 67BASIC listing for Arrowbics, a game program for the PC and PCjr.
tutorial,sound,do-it-yourself,cassette,amplifier,electronics M. A. Covington "The Amplified PC" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 72Tutorial on how to improve the sound quality of the IBM PC by attaching an external amplifier and speaker (do-it-yourself).
tutorial,BASIC,IBM Automatic Proofreader,editor,check,utility C. Brannon "IBM Automatic Proofreader For PC & PCjr" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 74BASIC listing for IBM Automatic Proofreader, a program that "mimics the IBM BASIC program editor"---i.e., it checks your typing as you enter each line.
tutorial,beginner,BASIC,PCjr,Buying Items,math,competency C. Regena BEGINNING BASIC Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 78Introductory (beginner) tutorial on BASIC. This time: IF-THEN statements and BASIC listing for "Buying Items", a math compe- tency program.
tutorial,assembly,PCjr M. A. Covington "Experiments In Machine Language" Compute!84/09 Sep v.1 n.7 83Tutorial on machine language (assembly) for the PCjr.
communication,BBS,list,directory,address,telephone number A. R. Levitan IBM PC BULLETIN BOARDS Compute!84/06 Jun v.1 n.4 89Directory (updated) of IBM PC bulletin board services (BBSs).